the relunctant leader


shy'lynn jones

Meet Shy'Lynn Jones, famously known as Syphon, the visionary leader of the burgeoning hero team STARS. But STARS isn't just about heroic exploits; it's a rock band where each member shines as an indie music artist. Shy, in particular, brings her immense talent as a songwriter and keyboardist to the forefront, showcasing her musical prowess. However, her musical gifts are just one facet of her multifaceted abilities. Shy never sought the role of team leader, yet fate thrust her into this pivotal position, largely because of her unwavering dedication to mastering her extraordinary powers and her bold initiative in forming this extraordinary group.

Shy's journey into the world of superpowers began when her abilities first manifested. Her father, a Marine trained alongside others with special abilities, recognized the emergence of the phenogene in her. It was during a spirited sparring session at her father's mixed martial arts academy that her powers bloomed. She discovered her unique talent: the power to siphon health and stamina from others. But her abilities didn't stop there. It wasn't until her college days at NC A&T that she uncovered her remarkable ability to absorb and temporarily wield the powers of others.

While she majored in music during her college years, Shy was also a standout on the college basketball court, poised for a professional career. However, her true passions lay in music and heroism, leading her to choose a different path.

At present, Shy has honed her abilities to a remarkable level, capable of holding two powers simultaneously and sharing her siphoned health and stamina with others. Her journey as Syphon unfolds in a thrilling comic series that promises a symphony of heroism, music, and the relentless pursuit of her unique destiny.

Syphon from STARS.

character facts


power assimilation, ability theft, energy & health drain, super power manipulation, power replication, mixed-martial arts



First Appearance:

stars i01 (2019)

Base of Operations:

los angeles

Alias/Alter Ego:

shy'lynn jones/syphon


musician, songwriter, superhero


shy, syphon
Aviyan from STARS.Sol from STARS.Render from STARS.Tectonica from STARS.Kandyc from STARS.Kunoichi is set and ready to defend her LZ.Reignas radios to the team for a SITREP.Penumbra from STARS.Detective Sanchez from STARS.Madame Neutron flies by with a group of villains in tow.