Lead Xenith Crimes Detective of The LAPD

Jacob Sanchez

Jacob Sanchez

Jacob's journey into law enforcement began long before the Miami Catastrophe reshaped the world. Policing was in his blood, a generational calling that flowed through his family's veins. With his parents and their ancestors all part of the force, it was destiny. When he enlisted with the LAPD, he faced long shadows of expectation, but his exceptional performance at the academy quickly set him apart. Promotion to detective was swift, but as the xenith population surged, Jacob foresaw an impending wave of crime. While he never engaged in xenith-related criminal cases, reserved for the jurisdiction of superheroes, his desire to assist never waned. It led to complex love-hate relationships with these extraordinary figures.

Then came the day when solo heroes were outlawed, a pivotal moment that unleashed a crime spree, particularly in cities like LA. The wealthy hired super-powered bodyguards, but the less affluent were left vulnerable. The emergence of the STARS, unofficial heroes, brought both hope and turmoil. Jacob's duty demanded he apprehend them, but his admiration for their contributions ran deep.

Following a bank robbery orchestrated by Penumbra, Jacob received a surprising appointment as lead detective of the newly formed Xenith Crimes Unit (XCU). This positioned him to collaborate closely with the STARS, whose support now funded the LAPD through TEMPLE.

Explore Jacob's complex role and moral dilemmas in this gripping comic series as he navigates the ever-evolving landscape of crime and justice in a world where heroes stand both outside and within the law.

Detective Sanchez from STARS.

character facts


Detective intuition, criminology, calculation, investigation, interrogation, & deduction mastery. enhanced intelligence, perception & tracking. detail detection, weapons, hand to hand combat


XCU of the lapd

First Appearance:

stars i01 (2019)

Base of Operations:

los angeles

Alias/Alter Ego:

jacob sanchez




Syphon from STARS.Sol from STARS.Render from STARS.Tectonica from STARS.Kandyc from STARS.Kunoichi is set and ready to defend her LZ.Reignas radios to the team for a SITREP.Penumbra from STARS.Aviyan from STARS.Madame Neutron flies by with a group of villains in tow.