The beautiful tech genius


kandyc watts

Meet Kandyc Watts, fondly known as Oversight, the brilliant mind within the STARS. While she doesn't possess superhuman abilities like her teammates, her unparalleled tech expertise more than compensates, as she becomes the vigilant eyes and ears of the STARS during their missions. Kandyc's formidable talent lies in hacking, a skill that proves invaluable to her friends whenever they find themselves in tight spots. Additionally, she crafts all the cutting-edge tech-based accessories that enhance the STARS' capabilities.

Kandyc's bond with Shy'Lynn, aka Syphon, traces back to their elementary school days when Shy relocated to her father's hometown. Although their friendship didn't solidify until middle school, where they both secured spots on the basketball team. Their connection became unbreakable from that point forward. However, Shy guarded her supernatural secret closely, only unveiling her powers to Kandyc once they entered college. Kandyc experienced a mix of emotions but ultimately understood Shy's reasons for the secrecy.

Despite being an accomplished athlete, Kandyc's academic prowess shone brightly, securing her the top spot in both high school and college. Her remarkable achievements opened doors, leading her to a significant tech role at MicroSeed Technologies in the bustling city of LA, a journey she embarked on alongside her dear friend Shy.

Delve into the captivating world of Oversight in the STARS comic series, where her ingenuity and unwavering support shine as brightly as her superpowered counterparts. Explore the dynamic synergy of teamwork, friendship, and technological innovation that defines the STARS and their thrilling adventures.

Kandyc from STARS.

character facts


exceptional martial artist, master computer hacker, eidetic memory, genius, technological savant



First Appearance:

stars i01 (2019)

Base of Operations:

los angeles

Alias/Alter Ego:

kandyc watts/oversight


sysadmin for microseed, band manager, team tech master


Syphon from STARS.Sol from STARS.Render from STARS.Tectonica from STARS.Aviyan from STARS.Kunoichi is set and ready to defend her LZ.Reignas radios to the team for a SITREP.Penumbra from STARS.Detective Sanchez from STARS.Madame Neutron flies by with a group of villains in tow.