The silent shadow


jorden sykes

Jorden Sykes is a solitary figure, a loner by choice, and for good reason. He's learned the hard way that getting too close to people can lead to heartbreak and betrayal. One painful memory that still haunts him is the betrayal of his own father, who cast him aside upon discovering a deep-seated secret. It was a moment that shattered his trust in familial bonds.

However, there was one exception to his solitary existence—his older sister Carmella, who became his protector and confidante. Despite the considerable age gap, they grew together, and Jorden found solace in opening up to her. Tragically, his sister's life was cut short in a lab accident at Thaybien Pharmaceuticals. This devastating loss reinforced Jorden's belief that forming close connections only led to pain.

Unbeknownst to Jorden, his sister had reported his extraordinary abilities to Soaribahn Academy with the intention of enrolling him there before her untimely death. Unfortunately, that plan was never realized. Determined to lay his sister to rest and uncover the truth surrounding her "death," Jorden embarked on a quest for answers. He delved into a labyrinth of self-doubt, conspiracy theories, and the lingering feeling that there was more to the tragedy than met the eye. Now, at Soaribahn Academy, Jorden seeks to unravel the mystery surrounding his sister's fate and harness his unique abilities. It's a place where he hopes to emerge from his self-imposed shell, perhaps finding a sense of belonging and camaraderie he thought he'd lost forever.

Join Jorden on his journey of self-discovery and uncover the secrets that lie within the lose of his sister, himself and Thaybien Pharmaceuticals while he walks the halls of the renowned TEMPLE High.

Umbra of TEMPLE High.

character facts


umbrakinesis, umbrakinetic absorption, shadow mutilation, Light absorption


espionage and information gathering training dept.

First Appearance:

temple high i01 (2019)

Base of Operations:

soaribahn academy, Amandla.

Alias/Alter Ego:

jorden sykes/umbra





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