the sharky surfer boy


kave sankhare

Kave Sankhare embodies the essence of tranquility, a soul in tune with the rhythm of the ocean's gentle caress. His demeanor is as chill as the ocean breeze, rarely disturbed except for the occasional surge of frustration when a perfect wave eludes his grasp. Yet, even this fleeting anger is swiftly washed away, leaving him poised for the next thrilling ride. His past is shrouded in haze. Kave's journey began as a foundling, discovered by two intrepid TEMPLE scientists who were drawn to the Richat Structure in their quest to unearth the mysteries of a long-lost civilization - Atlantis. What baffled them most was the inexplicable circumstances of his discovery. No one had seen anyone approach the site, nor was there any expectant mother among their team. Yet, nestled in an otherworldly blanket adorned with an intricate pattern and woven from unearthly fabrics, lay the infant Kave. These fabrics emitted a subtle, ethereal glow, hinting at his extraordinary origins.

Growing up with his adoptive scientist parents, Kave accompanied them on their expeditions, marked by his natural affinity for the water. From a tender age, he took to the depths like a native, revealing an astonishing ability to breathe underwater. This peculiar trait prompted his parents to alert TEMPLE, recognizing that Kave might be a link to the lost Atlantean civilization.

As Kave's story unfolded, it intersected with the mystical Tiira Najem, who confirmed the existence of Atlantis and the authenticity of the blanket's Atlantean design. Yet, the mystery deepened, leaving more questions than answers. Despite the numerous puzzle pieces surrounding his past, Kave remains unfazed. He revels in the loving embrace of his scientist parents and the exploration of life's uncharted waves. Now enrolled in Soaribahn Academy, Kave embraces the challenges of his new environment with open arms. As he encounters fellow students, his journey of discovery continues, blending seamlessly with the ocean's eternal song.

Dive into Kave's world in TEMPLE High and ride the waves of curiosity with this enigmatic character.

Kave Sankhare from TEMPLE High.

character facts


Atlantean therianthorpe (wereshark), hydrokinesis, viscokinesis., super strength/swimming speed, tough skin


support training dept.

First Appearance:

temple high i01 (2019)

Base of Operations:

soaribahn academy, Amandla.

Alias/Alter Ego:

kave sankhare/tiburon




sharky, shark boy, sharkbait

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