Wielder of The Pink Flame of Synergy


Ch'Chitne smith

Ch'Chitne's extraordinary journey began in an unexpected way. Originally a humble lightning bug, her life took a mystical turn when she became an unwitting participant in a ritual involving a human sacrifice. The arcane blood from this ritual transformed her into a humanoid insect, but not without claiming her life initially. During her brief encounter with death, Ch'Chitne experienced a revelation. A brilliant pink flame, representing synergy, approached her. This fiery entity was none other than a pillar of The Omniscient, and it recognized her exceptional curiosity about the intricate balance and interconnections of all life on Earth. In a pact with this enigmatic flame, she accepted its power, becoming its chosen vessel.

Emerging into the human world, Ch'Chitne's unusual appearance attracted the attention of the authorities, leading to her capture by the police. Fortunately, her unique situation led her into the care of Cypher Team Sigma, who brought her to Amandla to enroll in Soaribahn Academy.

Prior to her arrival at the academy, the pink flame had foretold her journey. It guided her with visions of synergistic waves and their convergence points, provided she followed its guidance faithfully. The flame also revealed her destiny—to meet another bearer of the Flames of Omniscience, one imbued with the power of the Blue Flame. Together, they would embark on a mission of cosmic significance.

Discover the captivating story of Ch'Chitne and her connection to the Flames of Omniscience in TEMPLE High, where mystical forces and extraordinary destinies await.

ChiChi from TEMPLE High.

character facts


Wielder of The Pink Flame of Synergy, Synergykinesis, pyrokinesis, synCosmo-Elementumkinesis, synCosmo-Ergokinesis, Astroremkinesis, Cosmic psionics, insect physiology, insect manipulation.


regulator training dept.

First Appearance:

temple high i01 (2019)

Base of Operations:

soaribahn academy, Amandla.

Alias/Alter Ego:

ch'chitne smith/chichi




chi, chichi

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