The engineered Colux


Qutee (Subject-P-42q)

Qutee's origin traces back to the enigmatic Corlux species, once inhabitants of the planet Larea. However, their existence took a dire turn when the oppressive Durvok captured and forcibly relocated them. The Corlux possessed a remarkable ability to consume nearly anything, a trait that marked them as valuable assets for the Durvok's mining operations. They were seen as living tools, capable of clearing obstructions with their insatiable appetites.

The true horror unfolded when the Durvok subjected the Corlux to genetic experiments. These sinister alterations eliminated their ability to feel full, transforming them into relentless eating machines. What made matters worse was that they could now digest minerals into their purest forms, rendering them incredibly efficient miners. Some Corlux underwent further mutations, leading to catastrophic consequences on one of the mining moons. Released to carry out their mining duties, they consumed everything in their path, including each other, until only one survivor remained: Qutee.

Qutee's existence became a perilous one, marked by relentless pursuit. Some sought to exploit its insatiable appetite as a weapon, while others feared its potential to consume entire universes. However, fate took an unexpected turn when the Binary Stars organization discovered, nourished, and provided sanctuary to Qutee. Eventually, Qutee found a place on Tuskegee's team, where its unique abilities could be harnessed for a greater cause.

Explore the riveting story of Qutee, a survivor of scientific manipulation, insatiable hunger, and unyielding determination. In our comic, you'll delve into Qutee's extraordinary journey from a captive creature to a formidable member of Tuskegee's team, where its abilities play a pivotal role in their quest for justice and freedom.

Qutee from Ayanmo Stigmata.

character facts


super eating, food empowerment, gut storage, infinite digestive system, metal-eating growth, enhanced bite, elemental absorption, consumption healing, consumption learning


The Binary Stars

First Appearance:

Ayanmo Stigmata i01 (2020)

Base of Operations:

The ayanmo stigmata

Alias/Alter Ego:



bounty hunter, intimidator


qutee, q
Tuskegee from Ayanmo Stigmata.Maroaw of Ayanmo Stigmata.Seeda from TEMPLE High.Raoar from Ayanmo Stigmata.Kyiti from Ayanmo Stigmata.Lepus from Ayanmo Stigmata.Gert from Ayanmo Stigmata.Massif from Ayanmo Stigmata.Glycth from Ayanmo Stigmata.