The General Prince of Muun


Raoar muun

Meet Raoar, the valiant general commanding the Seven Armies of the Muun. As the eldest brother of the Royal Muun litter and prince of the Muun Clowder, he carved a path of glory in countless battles against the formidable Mur Clowder and their allies. Raoar's reputation preceded him; tales of his prowess portrayed him as a figure whose very presence made the earth tremble. Yet, the staggering body count on his side confirmed the legends.

Destined for the throne of the Muun Clowder, Raoar's life took a dramatic turn when he was entrusted with the youngest sibling of the Muun Litter, Maroaw. His mission was twofold: to guide her in battle and safeguard her in her formidable beast form. Maroaw's true identity was to remain a closely guarded secret, known only to the royal family. However, Raoar's compassion for his sister overpowered his sense of duty. Witnessing her return from battle, wracked with pain from battle and her transformations, filled him with an internal rage. In a daring move, he approached his father to express his concerns, only to be met with rejection and a dire threat to his claim as the heir. Cornered and desperate, Raoar decided to change his sister's fate, as well as his own.

Under the cover of night, Raoar stole a spaceship and clandestinely smuggled Maroaw aboard. They embarked on a journey that would take them far from their homeworld, never to return. However, their escape triggered a relentless pursuit, with bounty hunters swarming after them, enticed by the substantial reward their father placed on their heads. Ultimately, they were discovered by the Binary Stars Organization, which offered them a chance at redemption. Tasked with becoming bounty hunters themselves, Raoar and Maroaw joined forces with the organization to track down the galaxy's top 100 bounties.

Delve into the epic tale of Raoar, a warrior who defied destiny to protect his sister and found a new purpose among the stars. In our comic, you'll follow their thrilling adventures as they navigate a treacherous galaxy, pursuing bounties, confronting adversaries, and unraveling the mysteries of their own past.

Raoar from Ayanmo Stigmata.

character facts


supernatural senses, supernatural speed, supernatural agility, Supernatural strength, Beast Mode, beast summoning, bladed-weapons mastery


The Binary Stars

First Appearance:

Ayanmo Stigmata i02 (2020)

Base of Operations:

The ayanmo stigmata

Alias/Alter Ego:



bounty hunter, weapons


raoar, ra
Tuskegee from Ayanmo Stigmata.Maroaw of Ayanmo Stigmata.Seeda from TEMPLE High.Kyiti from Ayanmo Stigmata.Qutee from Ayanmo Stigmata.Lepus from Ayanmo Stigmata.Gert from Ayanmo Stigmata.Massif from Ayanmo Stigmata.Glycth from Ayanmo Stigmata.