The Portal Bunny



Loralaia, an extraordinary Lepusian, emerged as a beacon of hope during a tumultuous era. Born with remarkable powers, she symbolized a transformation that would forever alter the course of her kind. Her formative years were shrouded in the grim shadow of the Durvok regime, which claimed her father's life within their ruthless factories. Fueled by unwavering determination, she devoted her life to protecting her mother and orchestrating a rebellion against their oppressors. A striking dichotomy emerged within her own family. While Loralaia championed her people's cause, her mother, a member of the older generation, implored restraint, haunted by the past where their powers were kept secret. But Loralaia was unyielding, leading a daring insurrection that struck a devastating blow against the Durvok.

Her mother, during the during the Durvok's retaliation, ultimately offered assistance in Loralaia and Gert's escape from the planet's impending doom. Upon her return, she was met with the harrowing aftermath of the Durvok's ruthless obliteration. This only fueled Loralaia's burning rage. Alongside Gert, a loyal ally, they embarked on a perilous journey through the cosmos, guided by her mother's cryptic final words: "Find The Other In The Stars."

However, there's more to Loralaia's story. She assumed the mantle of leadership in L3PU5, a hacktivist crew she and Gert founded after their world's demise. Their mission was twofold: to unveil the truth about their world's fall to the galaxy and to seek out other Lepusians dispersed among the stars. This dual life as a rebel leader and a galactic thief catapulted her to the pinnacle of notoriety, making her the most skilled thief in the galaxy.

Explore the captivating journey of Loralaia in our comic series, where she grapples with her latent powers, confronts inner demons, and pursues her scattered kin among the stars. Witness the epic tale of courage, resilience, and the enduring spirit of a young Lepusian heroine who is determined to reclaim her people's legacy against all odds.

Lepus from Ayanmo Stigmata.

character facts


portal creation (burrows), portal manipulation, portal energy manipulation, portal jumping, portal defense, portal combat



First Appearance:

Ayanmo Stigmata i02 (2020)

Base of Operations:

The Star Hopper

Alias/Alter Ego:



Thief, leader of l3pu5


lepus, l
Glycth from Ayanmo Stigmata.Gert from Ayanmo Stigmata.Massif from Ayanmo Stigmata.Tuskegee from Ayanmo Stigmata.Kyiti from Ayanmo Stigmata.Seeda from TEMPLE High.Raoar from Ayanmo Stigmata.Maroaw of Ayanmo Stigmata.Qutee from Ayanmo Stigmata.