a future of peace, embraced by war

Enter a transformed world, reborn after nature's uprising against humanity.
400 years later, those left behind face a peaceful existence shattered by the return of their forsaken kin, bent on war.
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The Comics

Check out the mangas from Orisha EXOS. The ACTION PACKED Mecha Sci-fi military saga you've been missing.

Something is here

orisha exos v0.5: ch01-the dawn of the orisha & ch02- contact jupiter

400 years of peace shattered! Yoruba fights back as long-lost foes return. With Olorun, a mighty mech from the moon, they defend their homeland. Follow Abeni, "would-be" pilot of Shango, as she strives to become a hero, breaking free from her parents' legacy. But first, a transformation of attitude awaits and that transformation will not go as she's planned.

The Ayanmo Stigmata i02 cover.

orisha exos v01: The great purge & resurgence

Embark on the thrilling saga of 'The Great Purge and Resurgence'! Immerse yourself in this action-packed full volume manga. Follow Abeni and Kela's journey with the Black Sheep to defend their homeland.