The angel of air


Mia Siciliano

Mia's voice was once her greatest asset, a wellspring of words and stories that flowed freely from her. But her life took a dramatic turn on the day of her blooming, when her latent powers erupted, silencing her forever by eviscerating her vocal cords. She became mute, her world forever altered.

Amidst the tumultuous transition into her new reality, Mia found solace and friendship at a school for gifted children. Here, she encountered two kindred spirits, a young Elias and a young Regina, and their bonds grew unbreakable. Together, they ventured into the enigmatic world of Project Saber. Within the secretive confines of Project Saber, Mia, now known as Breather, embarked on a path divergent from her closest friends. Her experiences had shaped her perception of society's treatment of powered individuals. She remembered the turmoil she had endured, the swift abandonment by society when any powered individual lost control or experienced a Xen-fit.

Motivated by a fervent belief in a different future, Breather became a founding member of 'The Angels of Anarchy.' This group of superpowered individuals, once celebrated heroes, now championed the ideology of Obsidian—a belief that echoed history's cycle. Just as Homo sapiens had once seized the Earth from Neanderthals, it was now the Phenosapiens' time to claim dominance over the planet.

Mia's transformation into Breather marked a pivotal moment in her journey—a choice driven by her desire to rewrite the narrative for powered individuals. Her path, filled with complexity and moral ambiguity, draws readers into a world where heroes become rebels, challenging the status quo and ushering in a new era. Mia's story is a compelling exploration of the consequences of power, loyalty, and the belief that history repeats itself. As readers delve deeper, they'll uncover the intricacies of her evolution from a mute girl to a pivotal figure in a world teetering on the brink of change.

Breather from Cypher Team Alpha.

Character facts


Infinite Air Particle Inhalation, Dense Air Particle Exhalation, Multiple Lungs, Absolute Lung Capacity, Atmospheric Adaptation, Respitory System Manipulation (Self), Air Manipulation, Flight.


angels of anarchy (Active)
project saber (disbanded)

First Appearance:

Cypher Team i02 (2018)

Base of Operations:


Alias/Alter Ego:

mia siciliano/breather




mi, sici, the angel of air

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