Djinn Hunter: Wielder of Irin


Akana Singleton

Akana Singleton, known as Alchemy, is a former British Marine Commando with a lineage steeped in an unusual curse. This curse traces its origins back to an ancestor entangled with a female Djinn, a love story intertwined with mystic consequences. Their love affair soured when he unwittingly angered his Djinn spouse, leading to a vengeful revelation of her true identity. In her fury, she blacklisted his entire lineage, setting powerful Djinn on the hunt for them. Akana's family lives in perpetual flight from these relentless Djinn pursuers. However, within each generation, a Djinn Hunter is born, and Akana is the chosen protector of her family. Her military training has honed her into one of the most lethal Djinn Hunters in her lineage.

Her Djinn companion, Irin, is the Djinn of minerals—an esteemed Prince of Earth Djinn ranking high among the red Djinn. Irin possesses the remarkable ability to manipulate all minerals to his will. Akana formed a unique bond with Irin from a young age and discovered that, unlike many of his kin, Irin held a sentimental attachment to humanity and harbored no desire to wrest the planet from them.

Remarkably, Akana isn't the sole Djinn Hunter in her family, as her husband, Jordan Singleton, shares this extraordinary legacy. He joined the lineage through marriage, having met Akana during joint training exercises—an encounter that brought together a former US Marine Raider and a British Marine Commando. After starting a family and several years of service, they made the pivotal decision to leave the military behind and join forces with TEMSOC.

Akana's story is a mesmerizing blend of love, mysticism, and unwavering commitment to safeguarding her family's legacy. With her partner, she journeys into a world where curses and Djinn are very real, beckoning readers to explore the captivating narrative of her life and her intriguing connection with Irin, the Djinn of minerals.

Alchemy of Cypher Team Alpha.

Character Facts


Wielder of Irin, The Earth Djinn Prince. Djinn Mineral Magick, Djinn Earth Magick, Creation Magick, Super Strength, Super Power Manipulation, Power Absorption and Mixture, Metal Manipulation, Metal Mimicry, Liquid Metal Manipulation.


Cypher Team Alpha (Active)
Former British Marine Commando

First Appearance:

Cypher Team i01 (2018)

Base of Operations:

The Lighthouse, Amandla. Global

Alias/Alter Ego:

Akana Singleton/Alchemy


Cypher Team Alpha. TEMSOC Weapons Specialist.


Kana, Alchemy, The Djinn Princess

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