The Intrepid Truth Seeker

winnie pepito

winnie pepito

Meet Winnie Pepito, an intrepid and unwavering reporter who holds an unshakeable commitment to uncovering the truth, no matter who attempts to conceal it. She's not just any reporter; she's the type who dives deep, disregards bias, and fearlessly pursues the heart of any story. Describing her as a tenacious investigative journalist would be an understatement. Time and time again, she has placed herself in harm's way to ensure that the truth sees the light of day.

Winnie is no stranger to confronting both the government and heroes when they err. For her, news isn't a commodity but a service to the people. She firmly believes that the public deserves the unvarnished truth, and she'll go to great lengths to deliver it. Her dedication to truth-seeking has led to her dismissal from numerous news agencies. However, her unyielding commitment has also landed her with an agency that shares her unwavering values. Throughout her career, Winnie has been both celebrated and scorned. She's earned multiple Pulitzer Prizes, but just as many have been taken away due to the feathers she's ruffled and the contentious topics she's pursued.

Winnie's inaugural investigation centered on the Miami Catastrophe, a case that continues to consume her to this day. In her eyes, there were mishandlings and hidden truths at levels where few dare to tread. This relentless pursuit of the untold story is her hallmark, driving her to dig deeper, challenge the status quo, and unveil the concealed realities that shape our world.

Winnies's story is one of resilience, courage, and the indomitable yern to seek the truth. In this world, the truth is hidden and it's hidden by all sides. Either to "protect" or, to beguile. Her tale beckons readers to explore the extraordinary and often perilous veracity of those who attempt to conceal, no matter the cost.

Winnie Pepito from Cypher Team Alpha.

character facts


intelligence, brilliant deductive skills, award-winning journalist, martial arts skill



First Appearance:

Cypher Team i01 (2018)

Base of Operations:

North Star City, kyz4

Alias/Alter Ego:

winnie pepito


investigative reporter


Winn, peppy

related characters

Ironhawk from Cypher Team Alpha.Madame Neutron flies by with a group of villains in tow.Reignas radios to the team for a SITREP.